Contemplation in Nature

What do you do for work?

“Work” is a really simple term for something extremely complex. On the one hand, there’s the old adage that says if you do what you love then you will never work a day in your life. I don’t know who came up with that but it feels misleading given the overwhelming number of things we don’t love to do, but must, simply to survive. If those tasks aren’t considered work in the traditional sense, does that make it okay? Is work different if you are being paid for it? What if you love to do something and would readily do it for free, but it’s really difficult. Are you working then? When we say something “worked” out, are we implying it involved effort? If work is effort, then almost everything is work, right?

While I don’t have a single definition for what constitute work in my life, I have adopted the Steve Jobs theory. He says:

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

I try to keep myself satisfied — as much as possible anyway — by doing what I believe is great work. I focus on projects and experiences I find valuable or helpful or inspiring. I have to care deeply about what I am doing and understand why or how it is needed. The result is a collection of work that is as diverse as my interests are varied. What is represented throughout this site (and on the work page in particular), is just a very small sample of my work. It’s not all perfect. In fact, I cringe when looking through or reading some of my earliest efforts. But they all contributed to who I am today, so I’d say my strategy has proven pretty solid so far.

I love sharing the things I am passionate about with others. Whether it’s developing software to improve search and rescue operations, teaching kayaking lessons, writing snarky articles, or helping a small business set-up a website and payment gateway. I am always open to opportunities for meeting new people, learning new things, and contributing to the greater good. If you need help, are looking to collaborate on something, or even if you just have a wild idea and need advice — please get in touch. I respond to every single email inquiry and chances are good if I can’t help, I will know someone else who can.