
Jessie was born and raised near Great Falls, Virginia, just outside of Washington, D.C. She spent most of her adult life living between Colorado and California, working as a freelance writer and technology consultant to support her passion for kayaking, mountaineering, and travel. A natural athlete and fierce competitor, Jessie approaches her work with the same level of focus and intensity as her recreational pursuits.

With more than 15 years of experience in product development and marketing communications, Jessie has successfully launched dozens of new products and applications for small businesses, corporations, and government agencies throughout her career. Traveling across Europe, Asia, Central America, and South America helped Jessie realize the capacity technology has to change lives — for better and worse. Committed to the former, she is continually looking to user her expertise to impact positive change by working on new projects she finds useful and inspiring.

Jessie balances her professional life by remaining an active expedition kayaker, instructor, guide, and extreme-race competitor. She shares her passion for exploration and outdoor recreation through teaching, writing, speaking engagements, and workshops. Today, Jessie spends as much time as possible at her farm in West Virginia’s New River Gorge, traveling frequently for work and adventure missions to destinations across the globe.